we go the extra mile to do ministry
Miles Ministry CEO Statement
"You can easily Judge a man Character by how he treats those who are not able to do anything for him."
Johann Wolfang Goetha
Our ministry is a Christ centered ministry whose focus is to serve hurting people.
Through our own personal testimonies, we can relate to the entrapment of addiction,
the emotional ramifications of incarceration, and the despair and despondency of being homeless.
When a person is in this predicament, they need to know one thing:” Someone cares.” veteran, women
Jesus said, “The thief come only to steal, kill, and destroy; but, I come to give you life and life more abundantly.” John 10:10.
Sister Miles and I have tasted the abundant life given by Christ. We have freely received it and freely we will give.
We are compelled to share the abundance of the Gospel with others.
There are four fundamental pillars that the great news of the Gospel rest on. ​
We live in a sick and dying world.
God is active in saving that world.
He allows us, the believers to participate in what He is doing in the world.
He allows us to participate in what He is doing, because we too were once sick and dying.
Yes, we do live in a world that is sick and dying. It is full of open deception, misinformation, exploitation, mistreatment,
neglect, rejection, and abandonment. The Bible says, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against ruler of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Ephesians 6:12 NKJV. Amid all the darkness, there is Light. We know a name above every name, One that is all powerful-
that even the grave could not hold Him…Jesus. The heart of this ministry is to walk in His footsteps, disciplining,
reaching those that are hurting, and those that are helpless.
Pastor Charles L. Miles